The Graphic Medicine Review (GMR) (ISSN 2993-8252) publishes scholarly works relevant to both the comics medium (aka comic books, graphic novels, manga, bande dessinée, etc.) and healthcare, medicine, wellness, patient experience, and public health policy. GMR is an open-access resource primarily produced in English but international in scope and concerns.
Volume 5 • Issue 1 • 2025 • Proceedings of the Graphic Medicine International Collective Annual Conference, July 16-18, 2024
Editors: Jane Burns (Guest Editor)
Pancreas: Comic Biography of an Organ
Veronica Moretti, Stefano Ratti, Alessandro Cucchetti, Carlo Fabbri and Matteo Farinella
Critical Conversations in Critical Care: Ensuring Dignity in All We Do
Christine Lynn Chen and Alice Gallo de Moraes
Fanzines for a local celebration of the World Stroke Day 2023.
Eugenia García Amor, Laura Pérez Peñarroja, Elia Dolz Feliu, Sonia Medina Soria, Alejandro Bustamante Rangel, Mercedes Molleda, Clara Larrañaga de Bofarull, Belén Flores Pina, Jaime Carbonell Gisbert and Natalia Pérez de la Ossa
Mabeob, Nyankomade, Salamangka: Illustrating the Intersection of Medicine, Diversity, and Ethics in Three Original Comics set in Korea, Ghana, and the Philippines
Grace Soojin Ryu, Anne Francine Pino, Edna Bonsu, Hyelim Sim, Amber Vinluan and Kimberly Myers
Posted by A. David Lewis on 2025-02-24
When the Graphic Medicine Review (GMR) was first founded through the MCPHS University Library and with the support of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association in 2020, concerns about Artificial Intelligence were more a matter of computer science, philosophy, and speculative fiction. (Notably, there were early warnings.) Five years later – and now with the stalwart aid and [...]
Posted by Mary Piorun, Co-Editor on 2023-09-07
We are excited to announce our inaugural Editorial on our new publishing platform! Graphic Medicine Review is open for new submissions.The Submissions page has all the instructions you need to submit a manuscript to GMR. First, review our Author Guidelines and Editorial Policies.When you're ready to begin the submission process, register for an account (or login if you have an [...]
Posted by A. David Lewis, Editor-in-Chief on 2023-08-24
Graphic Medicine Review has moved to a new publishing platform! Janeway is an open-source platform that integrates with existing open-source scholarly infrastructure and tools. With the launch comes a new look and a new issue. Stay tuned for the inaugural editorial!