Full-Length Paper

Engaging Researchers in Data Dialogues: Designing Collaborative Programming to Promote Research Data Sharing

  • Moira Downey (Duke University)
  • Sophia Lafferty-Hess (Duke University)
  • Patrick Charbonneau (Duke University)
  • Angela Zoss (Duke University)


A range of regulatory pressures emanating from funding agencies and scholarly journals increasingly encourage researchers to engage in formal data sharing practices. As academic libraries continue to refine their role in supporting researchers in this data sharing space, one particular challenge has been finding new ways to meaningfully engage with campus researchers. Libraries help shape norms and encourage data sharing through education and training, and there has been significant growth in the services these institutions are able to provide and the ways in which library staff are able to collaborate and communicate with researchers. Evidence also suggests that within disciplines, normative pressures and expectations around professional conduct have a significant impact on data sharing behaviors (Kim and Adler 2015; Sigit Sayogo and Pardo 2013; Zenk-Moltgen et al. 2018). Duke University Libraries' Research Data Management program has recently centered part of its outreach strategy on leveraging peer networks and social modeling to encourage and normalize robust data sharing practices among campus researchers. The program has hosted two panel discussions on issues related to data management—specifically, data sharing and research reproducibility. This paper reflects on some lessons learned from these outreach efforts and outlines next steps.

Keywords: Research data sharing, Research data management programs, Library outreach and campus engagement

How to Cite:

Downey, M., Lafferty-Hess, S., Charbonneau, P. & Zoss, A., (2021) “Engaging Researchers in Data Dialogues: Designing Collaborative Programming to Promote Research Data Sharing”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(2): 3. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2021.1193

Rights: © 2021 Downey et al. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Published on
01 Mar 2021