eScience in Action

Collaborating Externally and Training Internally to Support Research Data Services

  • Matthew R Harp (Arizona State University)
  • Matt Ogborn (Arizona State University)


The ASU Library is actively building relationships around and increasing its expertise in research data services. We have established a collaboration with our university’s research administration in order to coordinate our distinct areas of expertise in research data services so that both entities can better support researchers all the way through the research data lifecycle. The Library embedded itself into research administration’s learning management system and works with their research advancement officers to engage with researchers and staff we have not traditionally reached. Forging this new collaboration increased expectations that the Library will expand existing research data services to more investigators, so we have grown Library professionals’ internal competencies by providing research data management training opportunities to meet these demands. In addition, the Library’s Research Services Working Group established data competencies, workflows, and trainings so more librarians gain skills necessary to answer and assist patrons with data needs. Greater expertise throughout the Library enables us to authentically and confidently scale our research data services and form new collaborations.

The substance of this article is based upon a lightning talk given at RDAP Summit 2019.

Keywords: collaboration, research data services, training, RDAP

How to Cite:

Harp, M. R. & Ogborn, M., (2019) “Collaborating Externally and Training Internally to Support Research Data Services”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 8(2): 1. doi:

Rights: Copyright Harp & Ogborn © 2019

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Published on
18 Dec 2019