Full-Length Paper

Establishing a Research Data Management Service on a Health Sciences Campus

  • Kathryn Vela (Washington State University)
  • Nancy Shin (Washington State University)


Objective: Given the increasing need for research data management support and education, the Spokane Academic Library at Washington State University (WSU) sought to determine the data management practices, perceptions, and needs of researchers on the WSU Spokane health sciences campus.

Methods: A 23-question online survey was distributed to WSU researchers and research support staff through the campus listserv. This online survey addressed data organization, documentation, storage & backup, security, preservation, and sharing, as well as challenges and desired support services.

Results: Survey results indicated that there was a clear need for more instruction with regard to data management planning, particularly as data management planning addresses the areas of metadata design, data sharing, data security, and data storage and backup.

Conclusions: This needs assessment will direct how RDM services are implemented on the WSU Spokane campus by the Spokane Academic Library (SAL). These services will influence both research data quality and integrity through improved data management practices.

Keywords: research data management, health science library, needs assessment, biomedical research

How to Cite:

Vela, K. & Shin, N., (2019) “Establishing a Research Data Management Service on a Health Sciences Campus”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 8(1): 3. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2019.1146

Rights: Copyright Vela and Shin © 2019

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Published on
21 Mar 2019