Issue Brief

Mental Health Literacy for Children with a Parent with a Mental Illness [English and Spanish versions]

Authors: Joanne Riebschleger (Michigan State University) , Christine Grove (Monash University) , Shane Costello (Monash University) , Daniel Cavanaugh (Michigan State University)

  • Mental Health Literacy for Children with a Parent with a Mental Illness [English and Spanish versions]

    Issue Brief

    Mental Health Literacy for Children with a Parent with a Mental Illness [English and Spanish versions]

    Authors: , , ,


Promoting mental health literacy is an effective strategy to protect the wellbeing of parents with mental illness and their children. Mental health literacy is part of health literacy; it is defined as “one’s level of understanding about mental health attitudes and conditions, as well as one’s ability to prevent, recognize, and cope with these conditions” (Jorm et al., 1997 p. 182). Mental health literacy can be developed by mental health providers discussing mental illness, recovery, and coping with parents and family members, including children. Increased mental health literacy leads to engagement in mental health promotion and (for the child) prevention focused activities (Beardslee, Solantaus, Morgan, Gladstone, & Kowalenko, 2013).

A Spanish translation of this publication is available to download under "Additional Files".

Keywords: Mental health, mental illness, parents with mental illness, children, health literacy, mental health literacy, families, psychoeducation, parental mental illness, Think Family Model, Let’s Talk about Children Program, The Think Family – Whole Family Programme, recovery, prevention, family mental health, Spanish

How to Cite:

Riebschleger, J., Grove, C., Costello, S. & Cavanaugh, D., (2018) “Mental Health Literacy for Children with a Parent with a Mental Illness [English and Spanish versions]”, Journal of Parent and Family Mental Health 3(1): 1006. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2018 Riebschleger et al.

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Published on
26 Mar 2018
Peer Reviewed