Jeffrey Oliver, Fernando Rios, Kiriann Carini, Chun Ly
Data services at the academic library: a natural history of horses and unicorns
The Journal of eScience Librarianship (JeSLIB) (ISSN 2161-3974) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal advancing the theory and practice of librarianship focusing on services related to data-driven research in science, technology, engineering, math, social sciences, medicine, and public health. JeSLIB explores the many roles of librarians in supporting eScience and welcomes articles by contributors from all areas of the globe related to education, outreach, collaborations, policy, tools, and best practices.
JeSLIB publishes articles as they become available for publication, following a thorough review process. Articles are collected together into issues throughout the year, with occasional special issues.
Jeffrey Oliver, Fernando Rios, Kiriann Carini, and Chun Ly
Neema Mosha and Patrick Ngulube
Stephanie Labou, Abigail Pennington, Ho Jung S. Yoo, and Michael Baluja
Kevin B. Read, Grant Gibson, Amber Leahey, Lynn Peterson, Sarah Rutley, Julie Shi, Victoria Smith, and Kelly Stathis
Mikala Narlock
Isaac Wink
Data Editor for the Journal of eScience Librarianship (JeSLIB)To apply for the Data Editor position, please send the following to Editor-in-Chief, Regina Raboin at by March 27, 2024: Current résumé Brief statement addressing interest in joining the JeSLIB editorial team and the responsibilities outlined below Applications will be reviewed by the current JeSLIB [...]
Read MoreJeSLIB is proud to publish a Special Issue on Responsible AI in Libraries and Archives.Librarians and archivists are often early adopters and experimenters with new technologies. Our field is also interested in critically engaging with technology, and we are well-positioned to be leaders in the slow and careful consideration of new technologies. Therefore, as librarians and archivists begin [...]
Read MoreJeSLIB is proud to publish a Special Issue highlighting works related to the Research Data and Preservation (RDAP) Summit 2023. The JeSLIB Editors thank the guest editors, Alicia Capello, Queens University, Marla Hertz, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Tina Griffin, University of Illinois Chicago, and Jamaica Jones, University of Pittsburgh for their dedication and expertise in bringing [...]
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