Assessment of Data Management Services at New England Region Resource Libraries
- Julie Goldman (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
- Donna Kafel (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
- Elaine R. Martin (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
Objective: To understand how New England medical libraries are addressing scientific research data management and providing services to their communities.
Setting: The National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region (NN/LM NER) contains 17 Resource Libraries. The University of Massachusetts Medical School serves as the New England Regional Medical Library (RML). Sixteen of the NER Resource Libraries completed this survey.
Methods: A 40-question online survey assessed libraries’ services and programs for providing research data management education and support. Libraries shared their current plans and institutional challenges associated with developing data services.
Results: This study shows few NER Resource Libraries currently integrate scientific research data management into their services and programs, and highlights the region’s use of resources provided by the NN/LM NER RML at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.
Conclusions: Understanding the types of data services being delivered at NER libraries helps to inform the NN/LM NER about the eScience learning needs of New England medical librarians and helps in the planning of professional development programs that foster effective biomedical research data services.
Keywords: research data management, data services, New England Region, Resource Libraries
How to Cite:
Goldman, J., Kafel, D. & Martin, E. R., (2015) “Assessment of Data Management Services at New England Region Resource Libraries”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 4(1): 4. doi:
Rights: Copyright © 2015 The Author(s).
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- The HTML and PDF versions of this article were corrected on January 26, 2018 to change the Creative Commons license from CC BY-NC-SA to CC BY at the corresponding author's request.
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