The Data Engagement Opportunities Scaffold: Development and Implementation
While interest in research data management (RDM) services have grown, clarifying the path between traditional library responsibilities and RDM remains a challenge. While the literature has provided ideas about services and student-/researcher-focused data information literacy (DIL) competencies, nothing has yet brought these skill sets together to provide a pathway for librarians engaging in RDM. The Data Engagement Opportunities scaffold was developed to provide a strategic trajectory relating information science skills, the DIL competencies, the stages of the data life cycle, three levels of RDM engagement activities, and potential measurable outcomes. This scaffold provides direction for librarians looking to identify their current abilities and explore new opportunities.
Keywords: research data management, data engagement, RDM, research data, data librarians, engaged liaisons
How to Cite:
Goben, A. & Sapp Nelson, M. R., (2018) “The Data Engagement Opportunities Scaffold: Development and Implementation”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 7(2): 1. doi:
Rights: Copyright Goben and Sapp Nelson © 2018
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- The HTML and PDF versions of this article were corrected on March 19, 2018 to correct formatting errors.
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