
A Newbie at the RDAP Summit, or How I Learned that the RDAP Summit is for Everyone

  • Joanna Thielen orcid logo (Oakland University Libraries)


This commentary describes the thoughts and perceptions of a first-time attendee to the Research Data Access and Preservation (RDAP) Summit in March 2018. The author describes her initial hesitations to attend this conference as a data librarian from a medium-sized institution. But after attending, she is convinced that the RDAP Summit is for anyone interested in data, including librarians that work at medium- and small-sized institutions.

After describing the format of the Summit, the highlights of attending are described, including gathering ideas related to all aspects of research data management, access, and preservation; hearing data management perspectives from outside of academic libraries; networking opportunities for the extrovert and introvert; and opportunities to connect with librarians at similar universities and with similar interests.

Keywords: professional development, conferences, research data services, data management, librarians

How to Cite:

Thielen, J., (2018) “A Newbie at the RDAP Summit, or How I Learned that the RDAP Summit is for Everyone”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 7(2): 5. doi:

Rights: Copyright Thielen © 2018

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Published on
30 Jul 2018