Full-Length Paper

Health Sciences Libraries Advancing Collaborative Clinical Research Data Management in Universities

  • Tania P. Bardyn (University of Washington)
  • Emily F. Patridge (University of Washington)
  • Michael T. Moore (University of Washington)
  • Jane J. Koh (University of Washington)


Purpose: Medical libraries need to actively review their service models and explore partnerships with other campus entities to provide better-coordinated clinical research management services to faculty and researchers. TRAIL (Translational Research and Information Lab), a five-partner initiative at the University of Washington (UW), explores how best to leverage existing expertise and space to deliver clinical research data management (CRDM) services and emerging technology support to clinical researchers at UW and collaborating institutions in the Pacific Northwest.

Methods: The initiative offers 14 services and a technology-enhanced innovation lab located in the Health Sciences Library (HSL) to support the University of Washington clinical and research enterprise. Sharing of staff and resources merges library and non-library workflows, better coordinating data and innovation services to clinical researchers. Librarians have adopted new roles in CRDM, such as providing user support and training for UW’s Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) instance.

Results: TRAIL staff are quickly adapting to changing workflows and shared services, including teaching classes on tools used to manage clinical research data. Researcher interest in TRAIL has sparked new collaborative initiatives and service offerings. Marketing and promotion will be important for raising researchers’ awareness of available services.

Conclusions: Medical librarians are developing new skills by supporting and teaching CRDM. Clinical and data librarians better understand the information needs of clinical and translational researchers by being involved in the earlier stages of the research cycle and identifying technologies that can improve healthcare outcomes. At health sciences libraries, leveraging existing resources and bringing services together is central to how university medical librarians will operate in the future.

Keywords: Clinical Research Data Management, Sharing Workflows, Library Innovation Space, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, REDCap, Librarian Roles

How to Cite:

Bardyn, T. P., Patridge, E. F., Moore, M. T. & Koh, J. J., (2018) “Health Sciences Libraries Advancing Collaborative Clinical Research Data Management in Universities”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 7(2): 4. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2018.1130

Rights: Copyright Bardyn et al. © 2018

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