Book or Product Review

Book(s) Review: The Medical Library Association Guide to Data Management for Librarians and Data Management: A Practical Guide for Librarians

  • T. Scott Plutchak (University of Alabama at Birmingham)


Book reviews of:

The Medical Library Association Guide to Data Management for Librarians, edited by Lisa Federer, Rowman & Littlefield, Copyright 2016 by Medical Library Association ISBN 978-1-4422-6428-1

Data Management: A Practical Guide for Librarians, by Margaret E. Henderson, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2017 ISBN 978-1-4422-6439-7.

Keywords: book review, data, research data, data management, data curation

How to Cite:

Plutchak, T., (2017) “Book(s) Review: The Medical Library Association Guide to Data Management for Librarians and Data Management: A Practical Guide for Librarians”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 6(1): 2. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2017 The Author(s).

Publisher Notes

  • The HTML and PDF versions of this article were corrected on November 21, 2017 to change the Creative Commons license from CC BY-NC-SA to CC BY at the author's request.

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Published on
15 Feb 2017