Full-Length Paper

An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Researchers’ Data Management Practices at UVM: Integrated Findings to Develop Research Data Services

  • Elizabeth A. Berman (Tufts University)


This is the third in a series of articles reporting on a study of researcher data management practices and data services at the University of Vermont.

This article reports on the integrated findings of an exploratory sequential mixed methods research design aimed to understand data management behaviors and challenges of faculty at the University of Vermont (UVM) in order to develop relevant research data services. The exploratory sequential mixed methods design is characterized by an initial qualitative phase of data collection and analysis, followed by a phase of quantitative data collection and analysis, with a final phase of integration or linking of data from the two separate strands of data. A joint display was used to integrate data focused on the three primary research questions: How do faculty at UVM manage their research data, in particular how do they share and preserve data in the long-term?; What challenges or barriers do UVM faculty face in effectively managing their research data?; and What institutional data management support or services are UVM faculty interested in? As a result of the analysis, this study suggests four major areas of research data services for UVM to address: infrastructure, metadata, data analysis and statistical support, and informational research data services. The implementation of these potential areas of research data services is underscored by the need for cross-campus collaboration and support.

This article was the recipient of the 2018 Best Publication Award from the Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society for Engineering Education.

Keywords: data management, mixed methods research, qualitative research, quantitative research, research data services, academic libraries

How to Cite:

Berman, E. A., (2017) “An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Researchers’ Data Management Practices at UVM: Integrated Findings to Develop Research Data Services”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 6(1), e1104. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2017.1104

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