eScience in Action

Discussing “eScience and the Evolution of Library Services”

  • Claire Hamasu (University of Utah)
  • Barb Jones (University of Missouri, Columbia)
  • Betsy Kelly (Washington University)


Following an eScience day at the University of Utah held on February 20, 2012, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region invited participants who attended either in person or via the broadcast to engage in an online discussion. This discussion provided the opportunity for them to debrief, continue to learn from each other, and share what was significant to them about the day. Using the research cycle as the focus, participants identified roles librarians could play, the skills and knowledge they needed, and the steps they should take in order to effectively support eScience. This article summarizes the ideas that resulted from their discussion.

Keywords: eScience, librarian roles, library services, metadata, impact, discovery

How to Cite:

Hamasu, C., Jones, B. & Kelly, B., (2012) “Discussing “eScience and the Evolution of Library Services””, Journal of eScience Librarianship 1(2): 5. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2012 The Author(s).

Publisher Notes

  • The HTML and PDF versions of this article were corrected on December 10, 2017 to change the Creative Commons license from CC BY-NC-SA to CC BY at the author's request.

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Published on
03 Oct 2012