eScience in Action

Science Librarian Internship as a Way to Get Started in EScience

  • Wanda Anderson (Boston College)
  • Margaret Cohen (Boston College)
  • Sarah Hogan (Boston College)
  • Rebecca Holzman (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
  • Enid Karr (Boston College)
  • Barbara Mento (Boston College)
  • Myrna E. Morales (University of Massachusetts Medical School)
  • Sally Wyman (Boston College)


The Science Bibliographers’ Group of Boston College first proposed the creation of a paid science librarian internship position in Summer 2008. Since then, the three interns hired over time have gained exposure to a wide variety of activities undertaken by science librarians, and, at the same time, have significantly furthered the Library’s understanding of, and participation in, eScience. In addition to important contributions in reference and collection development activities, intern contributions have included an environmental scan/best practices review of relevant eScience initiatives, design of an eScience brochure, development of a faculty survey to gauge interest in library data management, and a capstone presentation on eScience for all library staff. Building upon that work, the Science Bibliographers’ Group developed a Vision Statement and Action Plans for eScience. Our current intern is working closely with members of the group on the creation of a LibGuide focused on data management and, concurrently, develop-ment of curricular materials for data management workshops to be implemented during the 2011/12 academic year. Ideally, these increased efforts in eScience-related work will result in an enhanced profile for eScience on the Boston College campus, and, ultimately, creation of a new, eScience-focused position in the Boston College Libraries. An internship program can provide current knowledge and skills to educate and support a university research library through the early learning stage of developing an eSciences program, while simultaneously providing a valuable hands-on learning experience for a potential science librarian.

Keywords: eScience, intern, internship, education, initiative, professional development

How to Cite:

Anderson, W., Cohen, M., Hogan, S., Holzman, R., Karr, E., Mento, B., Morales, M. E. & Wyman, S., (2012) “Science Librarian Internship as a Way to Get Started in EScience”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 1(1): 6. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2012 The Author(s).

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