A Spider, an Octopus, or an Animal Just Coming into Existence? Designing a Curriculum for Librarians to Support Research Data Management
- Andrew M. Cox (Information School, University of Sheffield)
- Eddy Verbaan (Information School, University of Sheffield)
- Barbara Sen (Information School, University of Sheffield)
The paper explains the approach taken in the UK Jisc-funded RDMRose project to developing a study module/Open Educational Resource about Research Data Management (RDM) for librarians. The resource was developed collaboratively between the University of Sheffield Information School and the libraries at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield, and York. Curriculum design principles such as an emphasis on exploring the nature of research and on other professional services supporting RDM were based on requirements gathered from focus groups and the literature. The content of the eight half-day sessions is briefly outlined. The paper goes on to explore how the learning materials were evaluated by this first cohort of learners and readjusted to respond to feedback. Future plans for co-producing an RDM related learning resource through a student-centered process and to create a sustainable learning network are discussed.
Keywords: curriculum, UK, Open Educational Resource
How to Cite:
Cox, A. M., Verbaan, E. & Sen, B., (2014) “A Spider, an Octopus, or an Animal Just Coming into Existence? Designing a Curriculum for Librarians to Support Research Data Management”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 3(1): 2. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2014.1055
Rights: Copyright © 2014 The Author(s).
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