Full-Length Paper

The Political Economy of Federally Sponsored Data

  • Bart Ragon (University of Virginia)


Librarian involvement in the Open Access (OA) movement has traditionally focused on access to scholarly publications. Recent actions by the White House have focused attention on access on the data produced from federally sponsored research. Questions have emerged concerning access to the output of federally sponsored research and whether it is a public or private good. Understanding the political battle over access to federally funded research is closely tied to the ownership of the peer review process in higher education and associated revenue streams, and as a result, interest groups seeking to influence government regulation have politicized the issues. As a major funder of research in higher education, policies from the federal government are likely to drive change in research practices at higher education institutions and impact library services. The political economy of federally sponsored research data will shape research enterprises in higher education inspire a number of new services distributed throughout the research life cycle.

Keywords: Data services, Libraries, Open access, Research data, Federally funded research, Interest groups

How to Cite:

Ragon, B., (2013) “The Political Economy of Federally Sponsored Data”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 2(2): 6. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2013.1050

Rights: Copyright © 2013 The Author(s).

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