eScience in Action

NLM Informationist Grant – Web Assisted Tobacco Intervention for Community College Students

  • Linda Hasman (University of Rochester Medical Center)
  • Donna Berryman (University of Rochester Medical Center)
  • Scott McIntosh (University of Rochester Medical Center)


In 2012 the National Library of Medicine awarded several academic medical libraries informationist grants to become embedded with a research team for the purposes of data management. The University of Rochester Medical Center was among those recipients. This article will give background on the research project and team that won the grant, discuss the process of applying for the grant, identify the data management role that the informationist librarians have agreed to work on, how they embedded into the research team, and relay lessons learned thus far in the project.

Keywords: Smoking Cessation, Web Assisted Intervention, Community College Students, Informationist, Data Management

How to Cite:

Hasman, L., Berryman, D. & McIntosh, S., (2013) “NLM Informationist Grant – Web Assisted Tobacco Intervention for Community College Students”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 2(1): 8. doi:

Rights: Copyright © 2013 The Author(s).

Publisher Notes

  • This article was formally corrected on May 17, 2013 to correct two errors of omission. Scott McIntosh was added as an author and the Funding Statement was included.

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