Full-Length Paper

Bringing All the Stakeholders to the Table: A Collaborative Approach to Data Sharing

  • Megan N O'Donnell (Iowa State University)
  • Curtis Brundy (Iowa State University)


Objective: This paper examines a unique data set disclosure process at a medium sized, land grant, research university and the campus collaboration that led to its creation.

Methods: The authors utilized a single case study methodology, reviewing relevant documents and workflows. As first-hand participants in the collaboration and disclosure process development, their own accounts and experiences also were utilized.

Results: A collaborative approach to enhancing research data sharing is essential, considering the wide array of stakeholders involved across the life cycle of research data. A transparent, inclusive data set disclosure process is a viable route to ensuring research data can be appropriately shared.

Conclusions: Successful sharing of research data impacts a range of university units and individuals. The establishment of productive working relationships and trust between these stakeholders is critical to expanding the sharing of research data and to establishing shared workflows.

Keywords: data sharing, research data services, public access, university policies, office of research, compliance workflow

How to Cite:

O'Donnell, M. N. & Brundy, C., (2022) “Bringing All the Stakeholders to the Table: A Collaborative Approach to Data Sharing”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 11(1): 2. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2022.1224

Rights: Copyright © 2022 O'Donnell and Brundy. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Published on
27 Jan 2022