Full-Length Paper

Dataset Search: A lightweight, community-built tool to support research data discovery

  • Sara Mannheimer orcid logo (Montana State University)
  • Jason A. Clark orcid logo (Montana State University)
  • Kyle Hagerman (Montana State University)
  • Jakob Schultz (Montana State University)
  • James Espeland (Montana State University)


Objective: Promoting discovery of research data helps archived data realize its potential to advance knowledge. Montana State University (MSU) Dataset Search aims to support discovery and reporting for research datasets created by researchers at institutions.

Methods and Results: The Dataset Search application consists of five core features: a streamlined browse and search interface, a data model based on dataset discovery, a harvesting process for finding and vetting datasets stored in external repositories, an administrative interface for managing the creation, ingest, and maintenance of dataset records, and a dataset visualization interface to demonstrate how data is produced and used by MSU researchers.

Conclusion: The Dataset Search application is designed to be easily customized and implemented by other institutions. Indexes like Dataset Search can improve search and discovery for content archived in data repositories, therefore amplifying the impact and benefits of archived data.

Keywords: Data catalog, data discovery, research data, RDAP

How to Cite:

Mannheimer, S., Clark, J. A., Hagerman, K., Schultz, J. & Espeland, J., (2021) “Dataset Search: A lightweight, community-built tool to support research data discovery”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(1): 3. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2021.1189

Rights: Copyright: © 2021 Mannheimer et al. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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Published on
19 Jan 2021