Video Article

Touring a Data Curation Network Primer: A Focus on Neuroimaging Data

  • Sara Samuel orcid logo (University of Michigan - Ann Arbor)
  • Michael Moore (University of Washington)
  • Helenmary Sheridan (University of Pittsburgh, Health Sciences Library System)
  • Chris Sorensen (Washington University in St. Louis)
  • Brandon Patterson (University of Utah)


This video article provides an introduction to a data primer which leads data curators through the process of preparing a neuroimaging dataset for submission into a repository. A team of health sciences librarians and informationists created the primer which is focused on data from functional magnetic resonance images that are saved in either DICOM or NIfTI formats. The video walks through a flowchart discussing the process of preparing data sets to be deposited into a repository, key curatorial questions to ask for data that is highly sensitive, and how to suggest edits to this and other primers. The primer grew out of a data curation workshop hosted by the Data Curation Network.

A transcript of this interview is available for download.

Keywords: Data curation, neuroimaging data, data primer, dicom, nifti, medical data, functional neuroimaging, DCN

How to Cite:

Samuel, S., Moore, M., Sheridan, H., Sorensen, C. & Patterson, B., (2021) “Touring a Data Curation Network Primer: A Focus on Neuroimaging Data”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 10(3): 5. doi:

Rights: © 2021 Samuel et al. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.



Published on
11 Aug 2021