Full-Length Paper

Research Data Management Among Life Sciences Faculty: Implications for Library Service

  • Kelly A Johnson (Cornell University)
  • Vicky Steeves (New York University)


Objective: This paper aims to inform on opportunities for librarians to assist faculty with research data management by examining practices and attitudes among life sciences faculty at a tier one research university.

Methods: The authors issued a survey to estimate actual and perceived research data management needs of New York University (NYU) life sciences faculty in order to understand how the library could best contribute to the research life cycle.

Results: Survey responses indicate that over half of the respondents were aware of publisher and funder mandates, and most are willing to share their data, but many indicated they do not utilize data repositories. Respondents were largely unaware of data services available through the library, but the majority were open to considering such services. Survey results largely mimic those of similar studies, in that storing data (and the subsequent ability to share it) is the most easily recognized barrier to sound data management practices.

Conclusions: At NYU, as with other institutions, the library is not immediately recognized as a valuable partner in managing research output. This study suggests that faculty are largely unaware of, but are open to, existent library services, indicating that immediate outreach efforts should be aimed at promoting them.

Keywords: research data management, RDM, library services, data services

How to Cite:

Johnson, K. A. & Steeves, V., (2019) “Research Data Management Among Life Sciences Faculty: Implications for Library Service”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 8(1): 7. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2019.1159

Rights: Copyright Johnson and Steeves © 2019

Publisher Notes

  • The PDF version of this article was corrected on October 24, 2019 to correct Figure 9 and additional minor formatting errors.

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Published on
22 Oct 2019