• Volume 11, Issue 2 is Now Available

    Volume 11, Issue 2 is Now Available

    Posted by Julie Goldman on 2022-12-21

The latest issue of the Journal of eScience Librarianship (JeSLIB) has been published! This issue’s focus is on our migration to our new journal platform, Janeway, to provide a more inclusive and accessible publishing environment for our authors, editors, peer reviewers, and readers.

Volume 11, Issue 2 (2022)


Migrating a Journal Platform: Stars Wars and a New Future
Regina Fisher Raboin

Full-Length Paper

The Role of Metadata and Vocabulary Standards in Enabling Scientific Data Interoperability: A Study of Earth System Science Data Facilities
Matthew S. Mayernik and Yauheniya Liapich

eScience in Action

Train the Teacher: Practical guidance for effective, critical teaching approaches for science and data librarians
Megan Bresnahan and Dianne N. Brown

Book or Product Review

Book Review: Research Data Management and Data Literacies
Jiebei Luo

Review of Managing Data for Patron Privacy: Comprehensive Strategies for Libraries by Kristin Briney and Becky Yoose
Levi Dolan

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