Cancer Concepts: A Guidebook for the Non-Oncologist

Anne Garrison, Maria Giulia Cicchetti, Mary Linton Peters, Shakeeb Yunus, Angela Beeler, Mark Dershwitz, Amanpreet Buttar, Beverly N. Hay, Christopher P. Keuker, John J. Shim, Paul R. Sturrock, Jeffrey A. Gordon, Chi Young Ok, Catherine W. Carr, Bruce A. Woda, Rebecca M. Kwait, Mary Linton Peters, Richard J. Horner, Giles F. Whalen, Beth Herrick, Laura A. Lambert, Richard S. Pieters, James Liebmann, Andrew Chen, Joyce Rosenfeld, Katherine Saunders, Andrew H. Fischer, Maryann Bishop-Jodoin, Linda Ding, Maryanne Bombaugh, Madhavi Toke, Arash Bedayat, Liana Puscas, Alexis Penney, Harry Bushe, Adib R. Karam, Yuxin Liu, Jesse N. Aronowitz, Gina Cunto-Amesty, Lauren E. Studey, Carolynn DeBenedectis, Antonella Leary, Ali Akalin, Elizabeth Kurian, Karl Uy, Elizabeth Kurian, Adib R. Karam, Geoffrey Graeber, Sarah Huges, Lacey J. McIntosh & Anupam Singh
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Editor: Thomas J. FitzGerald, MD Founding Editors: Richard S. Pieters, MD and James Liebmann, MD Cancer Concepts Table of Contents: To take advantage of the interactive features in each chapter, please download the chapter(s) to your local computer.
Image credit: The Cancer Concepts logo is adapted from DNA replication split by Madeline Price Ball published under a CC0 license. Funding Statement: This project has been funded in whole or in part with federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Contract No. HHSN276201100010C with the University of Massachusetts, Worcester. Citation: Pieters RS, Liebmann J, eds. Cancer Concepts: A Guidebook for the Non-Oncologist. Worcester, MA: UMass Chan Medical School; 2015-. doi: 10.7191/cancer_concepts |
Published Published By DOI Chapters March 25, 2019 UMass Chan Medical School 10.7191/cancer_concepts 28 License Information Copyright the Author(s). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License. Citation Pieters RS, Liebmann J, eds. Cancer Concepts: A Guidebook for the Non-Oncologist. Worcester, MA: UMass Chan Medical School; 2015-. doi: 10.7191/cancer_concepts -
Cancer Concepts: A Guidebook for the Non-Oncologist has the following Chapters:
- 2 Epidemiology and the Cancer Problem
- 3 Familial Cancer Syndromes
- 4 Staging of Cancer
- 5 Cancer Treatment Drugs
- 6 Principles of Multidisciplinary Management
- 7 Environmental and Infectious Causes of Malignancy
- 8 Introduction to Cancer Concepts: A Guidebook for the Non-Oncologist
- 9 Principles of Radiation Oncology
- 10 Nutrition and Cancer
- 11 Endometrial Cancer
- 12 Oncologic Emergencies and Urgencies
- 13 Cervical Cancer
- 14 Cancer Biology
- 15 Cancers of Unknown Primary
- 16 Breast Cancer
- 17 Colorectal Cancer
- 18 Pediatric Oncology Principles
- 19 Lung Cancer and Mesothelioma
- 20 Oncologic Imaging
- 21 Principles of Medical Oncology
- 22 Principles of Surgical Oncology
- 23 Treatment of Cancer Pain
- 24 Cancer Prevention and Screening
- 25 Supporting Cancer Knowledge Needs Using Online Information
- 26 The Pathology of Cancer
- 27 Cancer as a Chronic Disease
- 28 Cancer of the Esophagus
- 29 Head and Neck Cancers