Full-Length Paper

Integrating Data Science Tools into a Graduate Level Data Management Course

  • Pete E Pascuzzi (Purdue University)
  • Megan R. Sapp Nelson (Purdue University)


Objective: This paper describes a project to revise an existing research data management (RDM) course to include instruction in computer skills with robust data science tools.

Setting: A Carnegie R1 university.

Brief Description: Graduate student researchers need training in the basic concepts of RDM. However, they generally lack experience with robust data science tools to implement these concepts holistically. Two library instructors fundamentally redesigned an existing research RDM course to include instruction with such tools. The course was divided into lecture and lab sections to facilitate the increased instructional burden. Learning objectives and assessments were designed at a higher order to allow students to demonstrate that they not only understood course concepts but could use their computer skills to implement these concepts.

Results: Twelve students completed the first iteration of the course. Feedback from these students was very positive, and they appreciated the combination of theoretical concepts, computer skills and hands-on activities. Based on student feedback, future iterations of the course will include more “flipped” content including video lectures and interactive computer tutorials to maximize active learning time in both lecture and lab.

The substance of this article is based upon poster presentations at RDAP Summit 2018.

Keywords: data information literacy, flipped instruction, backwards design, active learning, graduate education, STEM education, research data management, data science, R, RStudio, Excel, Unix, RDAP

How to Cite:

Pascuzzi, P. E. & Sapp Nelson, M. R., (2018) “Integrating Data Science Tools into a Graduate Level Data Management Course”, Journal of eScience Librarianship 7(3): 1. doi: https://doi.org/10.7191/jeslib.2018.1152

Rights: Copyright Pascuzzi & Sapp Nelson © 2018

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Published on
20 Dec 2018