State of Radiology Country Report

Diagnostic Radiology in Nigeria: A Country Report

  • Bukunmi Michael Idowu (Department of Radiology, Union Diagnostics and Clinical Services Plc, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria)
  • Tolulope Adebayo Okedere (Department of Radiology, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex, Ile – Ife, Osun state, Nigeria)


Nigeria is located in West Africa. The Nigerian healthcare system is stratified into three tiers corresponding to the three tiers of government: primary (local), secondary (state), and tertiary (federal). In addition to this public health structure, private facilities play a significant role in healthcare delivery. Nigeria has a shortage of healthcare equipment and personnel, with a doctor per 1,000 population ratio of 0.17, which is one of the lowest on the African continent. Despite these challenges, a wide range of medical imaging services is available in the country, through a network of public and private facilities. The public healthcare system, which serves the majority of Nigerians, is weak due to lack of adequate funding, personnel and equipment. This gap is closely bridged by private healthcare facilities, which account for 70% of health services coverage in the country. Training in diagnostic radiology is evolving, with two postgraduate colleges being responsible for the regulation of radiology training in the country: the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria and the West African College of Surgeons. There are also higher institutions of learning which are responsible for the training of other imaging professionals. The major challenges of radiology practice in Nigeria are the unavailability of constant electricity as well as the problems of equipment availability and repair.

Keywords: Nigeria, global radiology, diagnostic imaging, diagnostic equipment, diagnostic skills, radiology workforce, radiology training, radiology market, global public health

How to Cite:

Idowu, B. M. & Okedere, T. A., (2020) “Diagnostic Radiology in Nigeria: A Country Report”, Journal of Global Radiology 6(1): 4. doi:

Rights: © 2020 Idowu and Okedere. This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (

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Published on
29 Jun 2020