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About Journal of Global Radiology

Global Radiology

Global radiology is a subspecialty of diagnostic radiology focused on access to medical imaging and diagnostic services on a global scale. Specifically, global radiology seeks to better understand and alleviate obstacles to obtaining medical imaging services, including shortages in diagnostic equipment and trained personnel, in resource-poor regions. The scope of global radiology is broad and multidisciplinary, incorporating research from many fields and sectors including public health, health policy, economic and infrastructure development, medical education and biomedical equipment manufacturing.

Individual radiologists and institutions have long been working to improve access to medical imaging in the developing world. The documentation of their achievements, and publication of articles, announcements, available funding, programs, and other topics of global radiology, have been scattered in the literature, and generally published under “international radiology,” “radiology outreach,” or as undifferentiated papers. The Journal of Global Radiology (JGR) (ISSN 2372-8418) is the first academic journal to specialize in global radiology. JGR's core mission is to provide a forum for the global radiology community, fostering both dialogue and collaboration on issues related to global access to medical imaging.

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Global Radiology (JGR) explores issues surrounding global access to and delivery of medical imaging services, particularly in developing and resource-poor regions. The journal publishes peer-reviewed research, editorials, and other content pertaining to obstacles and solutions to delivering radiology services in these regions. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: implementation strategies, technological applications, public health and health policy, medical education, and training. JGR's mission is to provide a forum for global radiology that achieves the following core objectives:

  • Advocacy: Promoting awareness of and participation in radiology outreach programs and other efforts to improve access to needed diagnostic services.
  • Education: Deepening understandings of the complex challenges involved in providing radiology services.
  • Communication: Fostering the exchange of knowledge and information among leaders in the international radiology community.
  • Collaboration: Providing a platform for the publication of research findings obtained in developing countries through our Scholar Twinning Program.
  • Expansion: Exploring the contexts that inform and impact the provision of radiology services, and the perspectives of nonmedical professionals, including entrepreneurs, policy makers, government officials and hospital administrators.

Open Access

This journal provides immediate open access to its content. The editors believe making research freely available to the public best benefits research, scholars, education, and society. This journal does not charge subscription, submission, copyediting, or author fees.

Measuring Impact

Download and view metrics for individual papers display on the article landing page and are updated daily. For context, visitors are also able to see the date the paper was first posted. In addition, JeSLIB is utilizing data from Altmetric to display article level metrics for each article, which measure the attention an article has received online, including social media mentions, news coverage, and online reference manager counts.

The journal Impact Factor derived by Clarivate is currently the bibliometric indicator most commonly used by researchers and research management. Clarivate evaluates journals against 28 separate criteria before issuing an Impact Factor for a specific journal. After fulfilling these criteria, JGR will be submitted for evaluation for an Impact Factor.

Abstracting and Indexing


Sarwat Hussain, MD, FRCR, FACR, Founding Editor-in-Chief, was honored with the 2020 Global Humanitarian Award by the American College of Radiology® Foundation (ACRF). Read the ACRF press release and the news story by the Department of Radiology at UMass Chan Medical School.

Digital Preservation

The publisher utilizes Amazon's Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) to create permanent archives for the purpose of ensuring long-term availability and accessibility of journal content.

Publication Statement

This journal is published by the Department of Radiology, UMass Chan Medical School in collaboration with UMass Chan's Lamar Soutter Library.

Journal of Global Radiology
Department of Radiology
UMass Chan Medical School
55 North Lake Ave, Worcester, MA 01655, USA